Cosmic Karma, or What’s Wrong With People?

What a day, but to start this off I have to backtrack to a conversation I had with my book keeper last week about what goes around comes around. Pattie pointed out that both Karen and I are “good people”. I’m not sure if everyone would agree with that, but I’m sure 99.9% of people would agree we are good people not out to hurt, cheat or rip people off.

Her point at the time was that all the good things we have done for people since she has known us will eventually come back to us in good ways and in multiples. Now Karen has gone out of her way to help people on a pretty consistent basis and if there is an injured animal, well lookout. We have made many decisions over the years that may not have been the best decisions for us, but they were the right decisions. I’ve received my snow angel pin in the past and continue to help shovel not only in the neighbourhood I live in, but in neighbourhoods I own property in as well. People like and trust us for the things we do and we are proud of that. So hopefully some of this Cosmic Karma starts coming around soon, especially after today!

So on to today now. I have a tenant who has fallen behind, it seems to becoming more common every month now around Calgary as people are getting laid off and there is no more low hanging fruit everywhere. You have to decipher that metaphor on your own! This tenant has been with me for almost three years and they have had a few hiccups in the past, but always caught up.

This time just felt different. Things came up and he couldn’t meet with me to pay me as scheduled, then there were family illnesses, then vehicle problems, then new phone calls and days to meet rescheduled and missed phone calls. Anyway, I reached a point where the last day we were guaranteed to get together, which was Sunday, no call, no reply to my phone call, or my email, nothing.

I had reached the end of my rope, I needed to start the eviction process. I called and left them a message explaining my next steps Sunday night, by this time very frustrated. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and I understand times are tough, but I still have to make my payments.

Monday was a write off as it was article writing day and the kids were home as part of Easter break so we took them to a movie in the afternoon. So Tuesday I started compiling all the information I needed to gather so I could go file for an eviction at the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Services board downtown.

So after about two hours plus I had my approximately 50 pages of lease documents, emails, statements of evidence etc all compiled. This morning (Wednesday), I made my four copies and put them all together and headed down to file.  So after about 40 minutes, I had my hearing date set and now I just had to meet the tenants and serve them the papers.

I wasn’t even out of downtown and my phone rang, it was the tenant and he had been away for the Easter weekend and was on his way back to Calgary, but wouldn’t be home until the evening, best of all he had a portion of my rent for me. I didn’t cancel the hearing yet, I have until Monday to do that, and I won’t do that until I have cash in hand. I will update you!

So here I was feeling horrible I was having to evict what are normally a nice couple who are having a tough go right now. Hopefully they come through.  So what were they thinking? Any time any tenants have problems I tell them they have to communicate with me. If I know what is going on, I can work with them. If I get shut out, I get that uneasy feeling.

Unfortunately, my story doesn’t end there today. I have another tenant in one of my shared accommodation properties that has also seen some hard times. Another hard luck story, moved out here a few months ago, had a girlfriend who he had been living with and broke up with, had a great job that suddenly disappeared and he had nowhere to turn.  Here’s the background.

He had been with us for several weeks by then and had been great, nice younger guy trying to make it in the tough world. So I helped him out, pointed him to some of the groups that could help and away he went. I even told him I would carry him a bit if he worked extra hard to keep the sidewalks cleared of snow and the house clean. Now I know he was a worker as he was going to Diversified Staffing every single day to get work and the other tenants were vouching he went out every day and came back late every day. Plus he had all the time sheets from the jobs to show me, but he was only making $10 or $11 an hour and after taxes just kind of scraping by.

So I did give him an eviction notice in February, just to protect myself and to make sure he knew I was serious. So eventually, he started to get me some of the rent he owed me and I knew he was still barely surviving, so I grabbed some food off my own kitchen shelves and dropped it off to him. It wasn’t a lot, some KD and some Ichiban noodles, but enough to make sure he was getting something to eat. It was the right thing to do.

He started to be pretty consistent at paying every week, but I could never catch him at the house, he would just leave his rent in his room for Saturday collection. Sadly, he also started to leave his bedroom sliding window wide open as well and since he had taken to sleeping at his ex girlfriends on the weekends, he left it like this during a weekend snow storm and a rainstorm, which irritated me a tad.

Finally about two weeks ago, I showed up at the property and surprised him. At that point, he confessed that he was avoiding me because he wasn’t able to catch up. Being the good person I unfortunately (?) am, I told him as long as he keeps up the weekly rent, not to worry, things would turn for him. If however he couldn’t pay he had to go, I couldn’t afford to let him get any further in the hole.

Well Saturday roles around and surprise surprise, no rent money in the room. He did text message me though telling me he got back to the office to late Friday to get paid and I would have my money Monday. Monday roles around and I try to track him down, no sign of him, I stop by multiple times over the next several days, leave another note, nothing. Saturday comes by again, and there is a new note telling me he won’t get paid until Monday due to the long weekend.

So Monday, I show up at the house again, prepared to be disappointed, but ever hopeful! Alas though, more disappointment, no rent, no tenant and another wide open window which I shut. I left him a new note, written with a bit of frustration suggesting to him that if I didn’t have the money here Wednesday, he needed to pack up and disappear.

Now we are back to present time, so after my courthouse visit and my call from my tenant who may (or may not) have money for me Thursday I zipped over to this other property to check on my other buddy. Since it was late morning the house was empty, everyone had gone off to work, so I let myself into buddy’s room to see if he left me money and back to surprises, he had no money there, but he did have a note. This is where my head started to spin.

So just to recap, I helped this guy out, I pointed him to eviction services which he never followed up on, I gave him the eviction, but didn’t enforce it as I didn’t want to kick him out on the street, I gave the guy food out of my own home, I went above and beyond to help him out and his note read as follows.

I called landlord and tenant advisory board they said you have to give me another eviction notice because I have receipts for rent paid after the first eviction notice meaning you overlooked it and let me stay. As you can see I plan to leave by the weekend. Second thing is you can not walk in whenever you want you have to give 24 hours notice before entering and you can be charged. It is the law.

Wow, I went out of my way and now he was using Landlord and Tenant against me and threatening to charge me. I was disappointed, I was disillusioned with people and I was pissed off I had let this guy stay in my property. All I did was help him out along with numerous other people recently, so where is the Cosmic Karma that is supposed to be coming back to me?

It’s put a damper on my whole day, it’s affecting how I want to deal with people and it may cause me to be less of a helpful person to others. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it and wondering how much of a bite this will take out of my positive energy.

It all comes back to, what’s wrong with people? Don’t they understand the actions they take have repercussions on others? Why do people feel they deserve a free ride? What makes them deserve anything more than you do or I do. If you are reading this, you already understand it’s not a free ride out there; you get what you work for. If you are willing to put in the time and effort and you have done your homework to ensure you are heading down the right path, eventually you will see rewards.

The Real Estate business sucks right now if you take a short term look at it, today really sucks when it knocks me down a peg or two. Karen and I are in it for the long haul though and it has brought us rewards we would never have seen if we stayed in our 7:15 to 5:30 jobs. We will continue to work our goals and at this point I will continue to try and right my upset Karma and move forward.

My message today is you can only help people so much, they really have to want help to move to the next level. You can only do so much before you have to give up and move on. Don’t take this post as a negative message, or a warning to never help people out, just be cautious. As for me, I probably will still help people, although with more caveats along the line and less rope given out, at least for now.

About admin

Bill has been investing in Calgary Real Estate since 2003 and has been writing about various Real Estate topics since shortly after he started. With a significant amount of Real Estate transactions and experiences he is able to pass his knowledge on to other investors and partners, and now you through his Real Estate blog. To automatically receive new posts, be sure to sign up on the top right of this page and I will send you a free ebook on Screening Tenants.
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7 Responses to Cosmic Karma, or What’s Wrong With People?

  1. Daniel Berrettoni says:

    Hi. What you just wrote, it happened pretty much like that to me, she is leaving (finally) the property today, but she is like 3 months behind and I don’t think I’ll ever see the money. But it is cheaper (in time and money) just to leave it go. So, what I learnt is that at the very first moment you have some problem with tenants, you file the eviction notice right away, so they know you are serious. I’m in Drumheller, but the story you are telling is happening everywhere. Take care, Daniel.

  2. Kareen says:

    I empathize fully!

    We’ve had great tenants and awe-inspiring bad tenants, but we honestly try to work things out and help people as much as we can, and all too often it leaves us shaking our heads in disbelief, saying “what is wrong with people!”.

    After one tenant bounced several months rent cheques in sequence, then proceeded to stand us up on several pre-arranged payment dates, we still agreed to let him stay if he paid cash or deposited the rent. Collecting rent became a horrendous chore involving no less than 15 monthly phone-calls to remind him rent was over-due and arrange cash pick-up.

    Although the situation was already unacceptable, we sincerely wanted to help, and even adjusted rent payments to twice per month to match his pay days at work. He continued to miss rent payments however, and in trying to find a better process, my husband called the tenant’s bank to see what options he had for payments, and we emailed him the information, trying to be of help. To protect ourselves however, we also had to serve him with papers. He would not answer our calls, so my husband went to his work, which was a used car lot in the city, and served him the papers there. This is the shocking email we recieved back from him, in response to the email offering different payment options (I should add that his rent was due on the 1st, not the 15th):

    From tenant:
    “Your money will be deposited by the 15th. I am unwilling to go out of my way to make deposits anymore. I’m not sure if you think i’m the only one in the world who has bounced a rent cheque but this is ridiculous. Also, don’t ever show up at my work again, under any circumstances.”

    Here is the email from us to him, that inspired so much rage:

    “Dear XX;

    I spoke with the Royal Bank and they listed different options to me for your rental payment, instead of cheque or cash:

    1) Email money transfer – they indicated a $1000 maximum amount which will work for rental payments.

    2) Direct deposit/withdrawl – you can have their system automatically withdraw funds and have them transferred.

    3) At the RBC branch – you can go into the branch and provide them with my account number and transit number and they will process the payment like a bill payment.

    I have inquired about these options in order to facilitate the payment for both of us. Please let me know what method you will be using to make timely rental payments.

    Thank you,


    Suffice to say, we were stunned! I’m not sure when bouncing cheques became acceptable!? There doesn’t seem to be any appropriate response to someone that doesn’t have a sense of responsibility for himself.

    The positive point is that we now appreciate the good tenants more, the ones that rent our properties and treat them as if they were their own, and respect the rental contract they entered into.

  3. Bill Biko says:

    Hey Daniel and Kareen, thanks for the feedback. I know there are a lot of true slum lords out there only concerned about the dollar, but there are many other landlords like you two and us who try to help people out. We just all have to realize we can only help so much and if some people cannot make it work renting from us, they need to move on.

    Daniel, you are write about the eviction notice, but just as important you have to follow up. Kareen is he still a tenant of yours, or has he moved on? If he is a problem still and continually late you may be better off having him leave. You can evict if they are continually late with rent as it is a breach of the lease or not renew his lease when it comes up. Some landlords I have talked to have even paid tenants just to leave which seems backwards, but also prevents unnecessary damage to properties and expedites them leaving.

    Just to update my situations, my first tenants were not able to make any payments yet, so we are going forward with the hearing on Thursday. I am still willing to work with them as they are good people in a tough situation, but I need to receive some type of payments just to meet my commitments.

    The shared accommodation tenant has packed up and left in the middle of the night and I will probably never see or hear from him again. I am out some money, but I’m moving forward.

  4. Deb says:

    Deb Spring Says:

    I’d like to Reframe the situation for you and hopefully brighten your Day!!

    You May have Helped both of You!!!

    Karma is a funny one…with so many undisguised tricks and gifts.
    I Applaud you for going to the next level and Trusting and Helping…
    You have a Heart….and when we extend it to another there is always
    a Gift on the other side.

    When a person is in Survival Mode, “They do not always Do the right thing”…that’s why it’s called Survival Mode.

    Often we can feel taken advantage of….we gave and we expected to get back in Return…..that’s the kind of a Lie in our Society….It may come back to us or it may not ….not Fair I know, neither is Life…sometimes its even better.

    You saw the potential good in this person…you perhaps saw it’s easier to keep this guy and give him a chance versus finding someone else right now…you gave the Eviction notice making it real for both of you.

    so you have now set free this Young Man to Step up to the Next level and fulfill his agreement with you to either Pay up or Get out . Hopefully he will Pay up and continue to Do so on Time or you get a new Tenant of superior Caliber who may pay even a little bit more and keeps the heat in the house!!!

    It’s So easy to do things differently when we Take Emotion out of the Equation.
    I’m glad you have Emotion…a character of a truly Good Human Beling.

    When we help people and we only see the Screw Up …because that’s all that’s visibly happening we think we have failed… could be so whatever……but I fact, we have Won.

    It means we have lit their Pilot Light…… someone demonstrated to them,,,a stranger almost that they are worthy of compassion and trust …we just might not see the results we want to see….but we have lit their Pilot light which in the end benefits all Society.

    You have demonstrated that the Bottom Dollar is not what It’s all About but there is a limit to a Free Handout!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your story…you are a Pilot Lighter!!!


  5. Bill Biko says:

    Hey Deb,
    thanks for the great reply and the “reframing”. I had come to a similar thought about the survival mode the one fellow was in. I’m still not entirely happy with him, but I am more understanding why he disappeared.

    As a follow up with the other tenant, things seem to be looking up there, so maybe some Karma is coming back at me!!


  6. Colleen says:

    very interesting Bill – absolutely you are both very kind and go the extra mile to help folk who are not able to help themselves.. however, there are a lot of renters out there who know how to play the systam, and play it they do – its a game with them….. I am so fed up – I am a very fair and understanding landlady – but I will never understand why people rent who cant afford the rent in the first place….. my last one moved his Father in unbeknown to me – serves me right for going south for the winter – and had to secure the services of a Power of Attorney – who I might add – under the circumstances, did a bang-up job for me…. I am now considering the thought of should I sell the damn condo and get away from loser/wasters…… the world is full of them.. you can only share so much compassion and kindness…… folk have to come to the table and be responsible…. thanks again for another powerful story. Colleen.

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